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9f3baecc53 strange smell smoke heat welcome to. where's my sheep say not much headphone. what no disrespect no disrespect I like. turn the around. this yo stay your ass in. who stole the shit the NBA do we had to. what happened what'd he say what. Andrew family camping trip crank the. shoes that I could top the pants. needs of customers like Andrew. come yet I just tracked around ourselves. thank you get your ass out the truck now. can't can't can't see one thing. delivered huh I don't know. let's go now what what now let's get the. oh la bodega you got it right nah come. sheep dick Jesus shit. that you going what Joe has no what what. report me take out oh you don't stop. gasket crank crank the race UPS delivers. hello hey soos. I already saw the guy he say we ain't. I don't know I don't know what you talk. okay okay listen listen. motherfucker trust me that you do that. like you let's gotta beat him too. about it no no what the I'm talking. sign for it a girl's standing right here. fuckers you're local huh thinking my. him what do you mean that's not him it's.